Oh January! That wonderful time of year when we all “reset” our expectations of what we can possibly accomplish in one year. So, I’m taking a little time out to share a bit about marketing goals, since goal setting is already on your mind. But don’t get me wrong, if it’s July and you’re just now reading this, that’s ok too!

I’ve created a quick one-page worksheet to help you tackle your top three marketing goals, this downloadable includes an example provided by one of lovely my clients—Friends of The Cliffs.

Downloadable Yearly Marketing Goals Worksheet

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1. What are your top 3 marketing goals for the next 12 months?

What are the top three marketing goals that your organization would benefit from achieving this year?

Sometimes it helps by imagining what success looks like, by reviewing why your organization exists in the first place, or by asking others what they feel would be beneficial.

2. If you were wildly successful, what would the future look like?

Go ahead and day dream exactly what success would feel, smell, taste like… uhm.. you get the picture. Picturing the success clearly of each of your three big hairy goals will help you better plan your approach, define metrics, and set milestones.

3. How would you measure that success?

This is the step that many people leave out. But, measuring success is the most important part! How are you going to know you’ve won if you don’t know where the finish line is? Connecting measurable metrics to your success will help you track your progress and achievement.

Use your answer to question 2 above to help tease or suss out 1-3 ways you could truly measure your marketing success.

So… What are your marketing metrics to measure? Revenue? Increased traffic? And—realistically—by how much do you want to move the needle?

You can’t manage
what you don’t measure.Peter F. Drucker

4. Who do you need to connect with have this kind of success?

And finally, let’s bring your audience into the mix. Because, true success never happens alone in a vacuum, so it’s likely you’ll need to find some help or need to connect with others to tackle your three big hairy marketing goals this year.

Join the Marketing Metrics Mastermind

Join the monthly marketing metrics mastermind group to check your KPIs and keep accountable to your marketing plan.

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Listening to Why the Question Was Asked in the First Place

Listening is not understanding the words of the question asked, listening is understanding why the question was asked in the first place.

~ Simon Sinek (@simonsinek)

#Twitter User Demographics in 2011

In a phone poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International earlier this year, participants were asked if they used Twitter… and here’s what the findings show:

table of twitter statistics regarding who uses twitter pew research 2011


So what juicy marketing details can we squeeze out of this tasty table… Read more