
Oh January! That wonderful time of year when we all “reset” our expectations of what we can possibly accomplish in one year. So, I’m taking a little time out to share a bit about marketing goals, since goal setting is already on your mind. But don’t get me wrong, if it’s July and you’re just now reading this, that’s ok too!

I’ve created a quick one-page worksheet to help you tackle your top three marketing goals, this downloadable includes an example provided by one of lovely my clients—Friends of The Cliffs.

Downloadable Yearly Marketing Goals Worksheet

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1. What are your top 3 marketing goals for the next 12 months?

What are the top three marketing goals that your organization would benefit from achieving this year?

Sometimes it helps by imagining what success looks like, by reviewing why your organization exists in the first place, or by asking others what they feel would be beneficial.

2. If you were wildly successful, what would the future look like?

Go ahead and day dream exactly what success would feel, smell, taste like… uhm.. you get the picture. Picturing the success clearly of each of your three big hairy goals will help you better plan your approach, define metrics, and set milestones.

3. How would you measure that success?

This is the step that many people leave out. But, measuring success is the most important part! How are you going to know you’ve won if you don’t know where the finish line is? Connecting measurable metrics to your success will help you track your progress and achievement.

Use your answer to question 2 above to help tease or suss out 1-3 ways you could truly measure your marketing success.

So… What are your marketing metrics to measure? Revenue? Increased traffic? And—realistically—by how much do you want to move the needle?

You can’t manage
what you don’t measure.Peter F. Drucker

4. Who do you need to connect with have this kind of success?

And finally, let’s bring your audience into the mix. Because, true success never happens alone in a vacuum, so it’s likely you’ll need to find some help or need to connect with others to tackle your three big hairy marketing goals this year.

Join the Marketing Metrics Mastermind

Join the monthly marketing metrics mastermind group to check your KPIs and keep accountable to your marketing plan.

I’ve been brainstorming ways to help more people, put more content online, and be super relevant. So what better than to answer your questions online through the advice section on 🙂 Read more

WordCamp San Deigo 2013I had a blast taking a road trip with Carol Stambaugh from TechToolsOnline to WordCamp San Diego 2013.

San Diego is an awesome place to visit, but throw in hours of geekery on the road trip + two full days of WordPress awesomeness and you’ve got yourself one heck of an awesome weekend.

Friday was mostly driving with Carol, cooking up good ideas for the 2014 Phoenix WordPress conference, sharing work stories and finding more ways to work with one another.

Carol had brought along all kinds of roadtrip treats (something I’ve found that mothers of small kids do well).  One particular treat is sooo tasty! You have to check out Trader Joe’s Powerberries! Oh my are these delicious! Thanks Carol for the introduction. 😀


Friday night I was left on my own (while Carol went to the speakers dinner – Way to go Carol!), so I took a evening stroll in Little Italy with was lovely, the weather was warm, the sea breeze was refreshing, I even saw some really interesting windows.

Saturday was the main day of WordCamp San Diego, it was so great to meet Austin Passy in person as well as hang out with all the regular WordCamp peeps like Dre Armeda of Sucuri and Chris Lema. Loved the content, and it was great to see the way another city does WordCamp.

Carol’s session was a big hit, and it was so awesome to see someone who I taught WordPress 101 to at a Phoenix WordCamp speaking only a few years later at another city’s WordCamp! 😀 Go Carol!


At the after party, Phoenix WordPress peeps Carol, Cody, and Josh Stebel from got together for drinks, while mingling with the rest of the peeps enjoying free drink tickets thanks to WordCamp San Diego. After everyone was good a liquored up, Chris Lema broke out Cards Against Humanity.

Now, I love this card game so much I bought my own copy right after I got back into town, but let me tell you this game is not for the faint-of-heart or easily offended. It is after all, a card game for “horrible” people.

It is a really great concept, and I love the way the creators have crowd-sourced their cards and made the cards available for people to print out their own decks.

imageSunday, WordCamp San Diego did a business development / for WordPress developers day where the best of the best talked about how those of us who contribute to and help set up others on WordPress can do business better. Got a ton of great notes about contracts, dealing with clients, and making my own schedule.

By the afternoon, Carol and I were ready to go home. Our brains were full and our minds inspired, we packed up the car and said good bye to WordCamp San Diego.

Such a great trip!

Earlier this month, I gave a two hour presentation at Gangplank Chandler in regards to online community building for non-profits, here’s the slideshow presentation from that talk.

Here are the infographic links that I used within the presentation:

Also some requested links:

  • Crowdrise – A website dedicated to helping non-profits raise project-specific funding

If you’d like to talk more about online community building for your non-profit, feel free to contact me and I’d be happy to discuss!

Made Better Studio speaks at WordCampSuper thrilled at the success of presenting the WordPress 101 class at WordCamp PHX this past weekend.

I met a lot of great people getting started with WordPress, and loved their enthusiasm for the getting in and getting their creative juices flowing with this great tool. It was wonderful to hear all the different ways people are using WordPress, from business websites to personal blogs.

During this 8 hour workshop we really got participants feet wet with all kinds of knowledge, from how to get started, choosing the right WordPress setup, to more advanced detail of themes and plugins. While most of the presentation was demo-based, I did have a small slide deck with information on hosting types, a hosting/domain/files metaphor I like to use and places that these beginners can become more affiliated with the WordPress community, get help, and share knowledge. You can check it out the slide deck below. As the video from that class becomes available I’ll update this post to let you know. 🙂

Here are the resources I suggested within the slide deck and during class:

Support on – This is a great resource for beginners that are using, it really has a lot of great detail on how-tos, getting started, and other items that are great for learning the basics and getting familiar.

Support on – This is a great forum where you can get help with your self-hosted setup, customization and other questions. Codex – Looking for documentation on how to get started with self-hosted installations? This is the definitive resource created and maintained by the community.

Arizona WordPress Meetup Group – This is a great group of WordPress folks (many who help setup and support WordCamp) that meet around Phoenix and Tuscon. It’s a great place to find support, ask questions from people also using WordPress, and get more information on WordPress.

Gangplank Hacknight – Gangplank Chandler has a hacknight every Wednesday night that is place to come in and dedicate some time to learning and setting up your new WordPress website. There are generally people there who can help out if you get stuck, have a question, or just want to bounce ideas off of. – If you’re looking for some training videos on the basics that we covered in class, WP101 has a great set of tutorials available for a mere $20 for a lifetime subscribe (meaning if WordPress changes, they get you out new vide0s)! Each tutorial is professionally done and pretty extensive for the basics, plus you can watch it over and over and over…

Loved all the great feedback I got from the presentation attendees. If you have any suggestion on ways I can make my presentation of the 101 material better, please contact me or leave a comment below. 🙂

One of the most overlooked and yet VERY important parts of marketing is measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) by tracking meaningful metrics based on the type of interaction you’re looking for from your customers.

Somehow, even with all the hype around ROI, when I ask new clients if they’re tracking metrics, they give pause and a blank face. So, it’s time I share a little post and create a little infosheet on how to choose and measure metrics that matter around your marketing.

Metrics to Measure Based on Sales Cycle Read more

I love how this 2010 Volkswagen commercial uses play to remind it’s customers about the rush of driving in the fast lane.

I particularly like this commercial due to the fact that they’re using real interaction in a public place. I believe this lends itself to saying “we’re a regular man’s car” but what they do next breaks the mold…

Showing the anticipation, unique beauty that comes from living life in the moment, trying something new, curiosity of the human nature and our innate play nature.

Also, notice how VW has kinda said “it’s ok if we’re not for everyone, we’re still having fun” in this ad, by showing some of the faces of lookers on who scoff in disbelief of the fun being had.

Having these strong emotional connections and ties to fun, being playful and yet in ordinary life lends itself to a very strong emotional connection with the VW brand itself.

Would love to hear what you have to say about this clip – how does it make you feel, do you feel a connection of fun and play in this ad?